Want to make the most of your student life and gain practical experience in a national non-profit student-run consultancy agency, while at the same time receiving trainings from some of the top-tier consultancy firms? Well, good news: De Kleine Consultant offers exactly that.
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De Kleine Consultant is a national non-profit consultancy organization - completely run by students - and we're looking for new excellent consultants to join our team!
DKC's consultants help actual companies with concrete issues, meet students from other cities (escape that UCR bubble!), and receive trainings from professional top-tier consultancy firms
Develop yourself
DKC provides talented students with an opportunity to develop themselves as a true strategy consultant. You will gain experience that will benefit them for the rest of your professional life.
Help clients
DKC provides small to medium sized enterprises or NGO's with a complex issue with valuable strategical advice of optimal quality for a reasonable, non-profit price. Nationally, DKC has already successfully completed over 250 projects since its birth in 2008.
Learn from partners
Big top-tier consultancy firms (such as the Boston Consulting Group, A.T. Kearney, Bain and many others) get the opportunity to meet and possibly recruit top students. Consultants at DKC will get the opportunity to regularly attend trainings and get coaching from a consultant from one of these firms.
> 300
projects have been successfully completed by DKC over the last 10 years
cities currently have a DKC branch (including Middelburg)
UCR students are currently a member of the Middelburg branch
Key facts
Weekly activities
All our consultants spend approximately 10 hours per week on DKC. This includes a weekly city meeting of 2 hours which all consultants attend. Besides this meeting, you will mostly spend your time working on a project for a certain client with a certain strategical issue.
You work on this project with your project team, which consists of a project manager and 3-4 consultants. During the duration of the project you will receive intensive coaching from a consultant at one of the top-tier consultancy firms in the Netherlands.
Consultant characteristics
Our consultants are fun, ambitious, intelligent and hard-working. You do not have to be a straight-A student, but you do have to be analytically strong (and even more importantly, willing to learn!)
DKC hires new people throughout the semester. Ideally, you are somewhere between your second and your fourth semester when you apply. When applying, you will need to send a motivation letter, your CV, and your UCR grades obtained thus far.
As DKC is a non-profit organization, you do not get paid. However, all costs you make will be reimbursed, you will have a chance to develop a great network, and you will often have drinks/dinner/other activities on DKC's costs. Being part of DKC the learning curve is extremely high, but very rewarding.
Many of DKC's alumni have gone on to great positions (as employee or intern) at prestigious consultancy firms, start-ups or multinationals
What's so great about DKC? - Personal stories from Middelburg consultants
I joined DKC because I wanted to take on a challenge and get practical and professional work experience.
Ilse van der Voort
I joined DKC because I want to gain more practical experience and skills. The group itself also gives me an opportunity to learn more from my peers.
Laney Liu
Managing Director
I joined DKC because making projects for a variety of companies from different sectors is one of the best ways of improving your management abilities.
Emre Namli
I joined DKC because I wanted to be in touch with the world. DKC drives me to reach out to the surrounding community, engage in teamwork and leadership, and actively stimulate my creativity at all levels.
Shuhei Tashiro
I joined DKC because I wanted an enriching practical and non-academic experience. DKC provides that by solving actual cases of real struggling companies, where you learn a great variety of different skills.
Nalina Ali
I joined DKC because I wanted to put some of the skills learned at UCR into practice, gain practical work experience and learn about complex issues in different types of industries.
Marco Portaccio
I joined DKC because I wanted to challenge and develop myself, and learn from others. DKC is a great opportunity to not only do that, but also be able to give something back to both peers and clients.
Ika Deinum
The reason I joined DKC is that I was looking for something challenging outside of academics, where I could work on developing my talents. DKC is the perfect place for this, because in the process of developing these talents you also help others.
Jurjen Bos
I joined DKC in order to face new endeavours, I wanted to challenge myself and utilise my skills in a real world setting. DKC has permitted me to work with people from different backgrounds, perspectives and skills.
Elikem Azumah
I joined DKC because I liked the idea of gaining practical experience, providing valuable advice for organizations and corporations, as well as being part of an organization that is active all over the Netherlands.
Maxim van der Kaaij
Talk to us, join or info session, send us an email (middelburg@dekleineconsultant.nl) or just apply; we're looking forward to meeting you!